Thursday, June 20, 2013

Homemade Hummus

So, I absolutely LOVE hummus. During the last spring semester I probably had hummus like three times a week, but it was always store bought.

I saw on Pinterest a recipe for hummus so I figured, why not? This is the picture from the pin that caught my attention

This recipe didn't have too many ingredients in it. And it was super easy. All you need is garbanzo bean, tahini sauce, cucumber, oil, lemon juice, cilantro, pickle juice, garlic powder, salt, and paprika. Oh, and don't forget the blender/food processor.

All of the needed ingredients were either in my pantry or easily found in the store, except the tahini sauce. Tahini sauce is impossible to find in my area. So, I made it myself. This is the recipe I used: Tahini recipe

So once you make or buy the tahini sauce you put 2 regular size cans of garbanzo beans, 1/2 a cucumber diced, 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, 6-7 tablespoons lemon juice, 1/2 bunch cilantro, a dash of pickle juice, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 cup tahini sauce, and a 1/2 teaspoon each salt and paprika into a food processor or blender. You blend it until it reaches your desired consistency. And ta-da! You get hummus.

I found that I had a little too much cucumber, not enough garbanzo beans, not enough lemon juice, and definitely not enough paprika. So I just added whatever I felt it needed until I felt it tasted good. Be warned, this makes like 2 1/2 pounds of hummus. That is a lot.

I ate so much of this that I almost made myself sick. It tasted so good. I will definitely make this again.

Here is my finished product (after I ate about half of it)

It looks kinda plain but don't be fooled, it is delicious.

I got this recipe from here

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